Inspire your friends by texting them with popular quotes on Success!
Success is built on lessons
learnt from the failure.
Never give up friend!
“Faith is walking face-first
and full-speed into the dark.”
- Elizabeth Gilbert
Accept being in 2nd place,
& you accept being a loser!
Der will always be some1 in
front of U with ur prize!
Make everyday a great 1!
I choose to be #1!
"The supreme happiness of life
is the conviction that we are loved;
loved 4 ourselves, or rather,
in spite of ourselves."
- Victor Hugo
Success is measured
differently by everyone.
So think about ur idea
of SUCCESS today!
That is the key 2 ur happiness
& self-fulfillment.
“Four things for success:
Work and pray, think
and believe.”
~ Norman Vincent Peale
Hello friend,
Always respect yourself.
Accept nothing less
than the best!
Possession of the ball
is the key 2 winning in
football, basketball,
and the game of life.
~ Laing Burns, Jr
I've learned it's always
better to have a small
percentage of a big success,
than 100% of nothing.
~Art Linkletter
Show class, have pride,
and display character.
If U do, winning takes
care of itself.”
~ Paul "Bear" Bryant
"Many of life's failures
are people who did not realize
how close they were 2 success
when they gave up."
~Thomas Edison
Hey cheer up! The secret of
success in life is 2B ready
4 ur opportunity when it comes
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