What the world needs now is more love, sweet love text messages. Send one today!
It's not what U look like
but who U are and what U do
that makes you seem beautiful
in another person's eyes... ♥ ;)
Love is joy.
Don't convince yourself
that suffering is part of it.
It's not!
Forget Love, I'd rather fall in chocolate!
What's meant 2 be
will always find a Way!
The best feelings are
those that have no words
2 describe them. Miss U!
Don't put all your trust
in what you see, but all
your faith in what you feel
It's the heart ♥ that knows
what the mind tries so hard 2 deny
Can't say I miss you so?
I will be a better person
tomorrow because of what
I learned today from YOU
Give more than what you take
but never take for granted
what is given
There's no need 2 have it all,
just make the best
of what you have
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